Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Year In Review

I was clearing and cleaning the office and came across "The Comfrot Queen's Guide to Life" (CQGL) a day at a time calendar I kept since 2001. Yes, that was 10 years ago and as I flipped thru the pages I realized why I kept it!!!

This little gem is going to be my guide to hopefully do daily blogging.  There are so many tidbits  that will serve as a springboard to daily blogging and I am looking forward to this challenge starting today...So, hooray to comfort queen!

It is time to review the year according to CQGL and several factors to consider as one move forward to the new year! So in 2011, did any of the followings materialized?
*Stop Often
*Build life from inside out
Since I just rediscover CQGL, I wanted to see if by any chance I observed any of these factors!  As I reflected I can say that I did stopped often to re access things such as show entry, design focus etc.  The next factor was also one that I yielded to, when I had to prep new body of work for my shows.  Breathing through the process was very helpful in refocusing on what needed to be done.
Listening to one self is not easy but it is an art form to master and once you reach that level of listening, it opens up so much understanding of your sense of directions which then leads to the opportunity to build from inside.
I could say that rediscovering CQGL made it such a joyous cleaning chore!
So did you stop often, breathe, listen and build from inside out in 2011?  Please chime in!


RitaJC said...

Lovely post!
Thank you so much for sharing!
It has been a pretty peaceful, harmonious and creative year for me, so, yes, loads of stopping, breathing, listening and building from inside out.

adeola's studio said...

Hi Rita,
Thanks for chiming in and it is always awesome when creativity falls into place in ones life...wishing you a more creative 2012!